Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Problem With "Church Words"

The problem with "church words" is each individual has their own defintion and they are than you do so when you say you are saved by grace it means something different to others than it does to you. Which makes the terms useless. When you say we are saved by grace, grace is not a activity it is a motivation. Of course the term is used to represent something such as Jesus but who knows. Besides, they are in the Bible because the translators left them in there instead of translating them. Much like Cisco and Pancho when they spoke English except for a couple of Mexican terms. Let's go muchachos or andolai or however you spell them.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Church Word

In a class last Sunday the teacher talked about our giving grace to others as God gives us grace. Several people commented they had a hard time giving grace to people. If they would use the word "kind" it would make it much more simple. Be kind to others. Do for them what they do not deserve. That makes more sense than giving grace. Then there is "saying" grace before a meal.

Reference January GA, “Making Sense of Division and Controversy in the Lord’s Church”

Brian Giselbach:


Reference your article in January GA, "Making Sense of Division and Controversy in the Lord's Church"

I enjoyed your article. Have you considered: 
What if we did not have to be in total agreement to get along? What if the purpose of the assemblies was to encourage and to strengthen each other and not to worship God? What if nothing anyone does in the assembly can have a negative affect on those who do not agree with what was being done? It appears Paul and Jesus thought that since neither, Paul to the church in Corinth nor Jesus to the seven churches in Asia, told the good guys to leave the bad guys. What if staying together teaching was the practice instead of separation and ostracising? What if dividing the church as warned about in Matthew 7 and Romans 15 was the worst thing anyone could do? And when congregations divide both sides are wrong. What if the church practiced real congregational autonomy instead of selective autonomy? Selective as in doing things the same way I do them.

When Jesus told the apostles as often as they eat the bread and drink the cup to do it in remembrance of him he did not say in worship of me. We have memorial services all the time for our friends who have died and do not consider that worship so calling the Lord's Supper worship is a stretch.  How is singing to each other, praying for ourselves, contributing primarily for our own comfort, listening to a speaker worship? I do not find in the NT anything about worship other than Jesus said his followers would and Paul told us how, by presenting our body a living sacrifice.

It seems to me our concept of the assembly is the root of most of the problems in the church today. Just some thoughts.
Again, nice article.



Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN




Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.




Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reference “Preaching That Pleases God” in January 2011, GA

Doug Burleson:

Reference "Preaching That Pleases God" in January 2011, GA


I enjoyed your article. You wrote "Conflict in preaching the gospel is inevitable. … it might be tempting to preach in a way that pleases a certain element in the congregation. . ."


May I suggest that the situation you write about occurs because Christians in general including preachers do not intellectually absorb what the Bible says? We read the Bible but do not intellectually absorb what it says.


An example: our congregation built a new church building. When it was completed the preacher proudly announced that "we" know that when God wants something done he provides the means. Today our congregation has a $42 thousand dollar emergency fund. Apparently we have a fund in case God does not provide. If God provided the means for the building isn't it reasonable he would provide the means to pay the debt in any situation?


Also, we have installed an alarm system. Now remember, the general cover-all-topics prayer each assembly covers fervent requests for health and safety. We are sure God heals and protects so why do we need an alarm system? If he provided the building wouldn't it stand to reason he would protect it?

I have identified what I call the Law of Verifiability which says when verifiability is low confidence is high and when verifiability is high confidence is low. As with the Law of Gravity there is no law just observations of consistent behavior.

Christians will quote Paul "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" but they do not intellectually absorb what he is saying. In the conceptual stage they have full confidence (verifiability is low, confidence is high) but as in a preacher's situation you write about when it could mean the loss of a paycheck, confidence wanes (verifiability is high, confidence is low).


As I wrote, nice article; I apologize for the length of this email.


p.s. To explain where I am coming from for the above comments: I do not believe God is active in the physical world. Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. So prayers for the physical go unanswered. If God would involve himself in our physical situations we would have to understand why he would give us food but stood bye or sat and watched thousands of Malawi Christians starve to death. Preachers will get fired, buildings will be robbed and nothing we ask of God will cause him to change that. I accept that and do not ask him to get involved while others ask but do not expect. When I asked about our emergency fund I was told trusting God is testing God and is also bad financial practice. Interesting attitude.  


If you are still reading this, this is finally the end. 


Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is He or Isn't He?

A church built a  $2 million building, counting furniture et al. When it was completed the preacher proudly announced that "we" know that when God wants something he provides the means. Now the church is in debt about $1.3 million budgeted $81 thousand for the mortgage and $42 thousand dollar emergency fund in case contributions drop off. If God provided the means for the building isn't it reasonable he would provide the means to pay the debt? Do you understand the logic?
The same church has installed an alarm system. This was installed by people who, every Sunday,  fervently pray for health and safety. They trust their health and safety to God and are sure God heals and protects so why do they need an alarm system? If he can provide the building in the first place wouldn't it stand to reason he would protect it?
These two examples of my Law of Verifiability in action. The Law of Verifiability says when verifiability is high confidence is low and when verifiability is low confidence is high, 
When question the response was that not having an emergency fund would be bad business practice and would be testing God. Apparently trusting God tests God and is bad business. When asked if they thought before Jesus sent his disciples out and told them not to take anything with them he checked to be sure the people would be generous towards the disciples? There was no answer. 
Can you explain the logic? Is God active in the physical world today or not?

Friday, January 21, 2011

What does it mean to operate on Faith?

Hi guys:
Considering the congregations budget for 2011, many congregations have a rainy day fund. If I heard right we have a $30,000+ "emergency fund." That means we are taking $30,000 contributed to the congregation and are setting it aside in case God does not provide. Supports my comment of years ago that GSMCOC does not operate on faith. We don't do anything that we do not believe we can see the way.
I have identified what I all the Law of Verifiability. As there is no "Law of Gravity, there is no law just consistent observations. The Law of Verifiability says: Confidence increases as verifiability decreases; and confidence decreases when verifiability increases. Example we pray for safety and security (high level of confidence; low verifiability) but we install an alarm system to protect the building (low level of confidence; high verifiability). If God gave us the building isn't it logical he would protect it?
Do we believe that when God wants something done he will provide the means. We are taking $30,000 setting is aside just in case we want to do something that God does not provide for. Isn't that a bit odd? What does it mean to rely on God? 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rewriting History

I heard the Imam of the Muslim Center being built a few blocks from Ground Zero has been removed. Haven't heard the reason but we'll see if they are trying to help their friend, our Pres. It reminded me of Obama's nice speech concerning America's commitment to religious freedom. I do not recall hearing any objections from the Christian segment but this country has never had a commitment to religious freedom.


From the first arrivals religion has been used to discriminate, suppress, kill, the heretics and unbelievers including the heathens already here. While most claimed to be Christian there were battles between the Protestant groups as well as between Protestant and Catholics. There might have been 14 colonies except Quebec was Catholic and Catholics were hated. Remember the Mormons?


Talk about Obama rewriting history no one objected. Religious division has been part of our history. We should not be surprised if he rewrites other history.



Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Will There be Degrees of Reward in Heaven?

"We do not know." Christ came to this world to break down middle walls of division and to make of the different families, tribes, and nations of earthone new man. We do not think he has erected divisions or barriers between the redeemed in the world to come. Seems logical. Jesus did tell a parable about the farmer paying all workers the same whether they worked all day or the last hour. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Will there be degrees of reward and punishment in Eternity?

Will there be degrees of reward and punishment in Eternity?

We do not know.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

On the subject of Jesus' prayer

If Jesus was praying he would not have to be crucified what does that say about him as he sat or stood by watching his followers die for him and in some cases suffer more excruciating deaths than that of crucifixion? He tried to get out of it but did nothing to help his followers. I think he was more concerned with being separated from God which we cannot understand since we sin and are not abandoned by God.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

For the New Year's Eve countdown in Brasstown, North Carolina, a live possum is lowered from the roof of a Citgo just before midnight.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christian Without Assembling?

Editor, The Christian Chronicle:


Individuals say they can be Christian without the church. Christian means "follower of Christ." History tells us the majority of those claiming to be followers of Christ believe they do not need to assemble on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. They are a small step from those who believe they can be followers of Christ without the church.

How do our assemblies help us to be followers of Jesus?

The attitude of being Christian without the church is becoming more prevalent. What we do in our assemblies must continuously undergo scrutiny. We cannot continue to require those who do not attend to be the only ones who need to change. 


John Jenkins

Gatlinburg, TN 37738



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is "going to church" mostly habit?

Some folks say they can be Christian without the church. My opinion is that when people say that they mean they can be Christian without a specific congregation. But that got me to thinking again. That and working an occasional Sunday at Dollywood. Can someone follow Jesus without being attending the local CoC?
How do our assemblies help us to be followers of Jesus? What part does singing several partial songs, listening to a general cover all topics prayer, listening to a sermon, sitting quietly, but efficiently and eating as small a piece of bread as we can get, drinking a miniature shot glass of grape juice and giving our money for the primary purpose of supporting the local congregation  encourage us to be followers of Jesus. How does sitting quietly listening for an hour help one to follower Christ. Is that "fellowship?"
So, can one be a follower of Christ without being closely associated with a specific congregation?
It seems to me the attitude of Christian, Yes, church No is becoming more prevalent. Is this a topic local congregations should be concerned with. Is "going to church" mostly habit?

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

His Kingdom is Not of the World

Why do people think how God comforts anyone anytime? When Stephen died we interpret Jesus standing as showing interest in what was happening to Stephen. We add people to our prayer lists and nothing happens. We tell folks to remember someone in their prayers. What specific good does that provide? I hear people ask for prayers because they have a cold. I had stents put in and did not ask God for anything because I knew he does not get involved in this physical world. Folks who fought to distribute the Bible in English were killed for their efforts. Why do people say they believe when all evidence shows God does not get involved in this physical world. His kingdom is not of this world why do we think it is?

Monday, January 3, 2011


I read an article about the Tyndal bible, and how after 500 days in jail Tyndale was tied to a stake, strangled, and burned to death. You gotta give those English fellows credit. They execute in style. We stick'em with a needle or electrocute'm  or gas'm.  His last words were "Lord, open the eyes of the King of England." Another prayer. The last words of our executees goes something like "Let's do it!" or something similarly blase. I realize the Bible says to pray and does not give instructions as to what we should pray for BUT it is quite obvious God does not answer prayers. It baffles me why we continue to believe in it so much though we never see any response out of God. It seems to me we would question why and seek to find out why but we do not.How can one pray expecting when we never see a response? We just say "prayer works" while evidence abounds that it does not. 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

What and When is Marriage?

Various methods of birth control and society's loose view's of out-of-marriage pregnancies have changed the world. Today with proper cautionary considerations people can have sex with anyone or anything, anywhere, anytime. Less than half a century ago horny teenagers got married, had sex, and in a few years divorced.  Today with such a wide variety of ways to "relieve one's tension" marriage is delayed and in today's society with divorce laws so liberal serves no purpose.
A couple of "B" actors are going there separate ways. They had never married. The actress said the prospect of marriage didn't appeal to her. "Not to say that I don't believe in it, but it's just not something that's important to me, But I will have children. I'm too selfish to have them now, but when I do, I don't feel like I need to be married. I need to have a person in my life who will care for me and my children -- nothing else." Questions: What is the definition of marriage if not that? The Bible talks about two becoming one. We talk about "What God has joined together let no man split assunder" or something like that. Does God join them even though they do to want to be joined?
Is the actress giving a modern definition to marriage?

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.