Monday, January 24, 2011

Is He or Isn't He?

A church built a  $2 million building, counting furniture et al. When it was completed the preacher proudly announced that "we" know that when God wants something he provides the means. Now the church is in debt about $1.3 million budgeted $81 thousand for the mortgage and $42 thousand dollar emergency fund in case contributions drop off. If God provided the means for the building isn't it reasonable he would provide the means to pay the debt? Do you understand the logic?
The same church has installed an alarm system. This was installed by people who, every Sunday,  fervently pray for health and safety. They trust their health and safety to God and are sure God heals and protects so why do they need an alarm system? If he can provide the building in the first place wouldn't it stand to reason he would protect it?
These two examples of my Law of Verifiability in action. The Law of Verifiability says when verifiability is high confidence is low and when verifiability is low confidence is high, 
When question the response was that not having an emergency fund would be bad business practice and would be testing God. Apparently trusting God tests God and is bad business. When asked if they thought before Jesus sent his disciples out and told them not to take anything with them he checked to be sure the people would be generous towards the disciples? There was no answer. 
Can you explain the logic? Is God active in the physical world today or not?

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