Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reference “Preaching That Pleases God” in January 2011, GA

Doug Burleson:

Reference "Preaching That Pleases God" in January 2011, GA


I enjoyed your article. You wrote "Conflict in preaching the gospel is inevitable. … it might be tempting to preach in a way that pleases a certain element in the congregation. . ."


May I suggest that the situation you write about occurs because Christians in general including preachers do not intellectually absorb what the Bible says? We read the Bible but do not intellectually absorb what it says.


An example: our congregation built a new church building. When it was completed the preacher proudly announced that "we" know that when God wants something done he provides the means. Today our congregation has a $42 thousand dollar emergency fund. Apparently we have a fund in case God does not provide. If God provided the means for the building isn't it reasonable he would provide the means to pay the debt in any situation?


Also, we have installed an alarm system. Now remember, the general cover-all-topics prayer each assembly covers fervent requests for health and safety. We are sure God heals and protects so why do we need an alarm system? If he provided the building wouldn't it stand to reason he would protect it?

I have identified what I call the Law of Verifiability which says when verifiability is low confidence is high and when verifiability is high confidence is low. As with the Law of Gravity there is no law just observations of consistent behavior.

Christians will quote Paul "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" but they do not intellectually absorb what he is saying. In the conceptual stage they have full confidence (verifiability is low, confidence is high) but as in a preacher's situation you write about when it could mean the loss of a paycheck, confidence wanes (verifiability is high, confidence is low).


As I wrote, nice article; I apologize for the length of this email.


p.s. To explain where I am coming from for the above comments: I do not believe God is active in the physical world. Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. So prayers for the physical go unanswered. If God would involve himself in our physical situations we would have to understand why he would give us food but stood bye or sat and watched thousands of Malawi Christians starve to death. Preachers will get fired, buildings will be robbed and nothing we ask of God will cause him to change that. I accept that and do not ask him to get involved while others ask but do not expect. When I asked about our emergency fund I was told trusting God is testing God and is also bad financial practice. Interesting attitude.  


If you are still reading this, this is finally the end. 


Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

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