Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is "going to church" mostly habit?

Some folks say they can be Christian without the church. My opinion is that when people say that they mean they can be Christian without a specific congregation. But that got me to thinking again. That and working an occasional Sunday at Dollywood. Can someone follow Jesus without being attending the local CoC?
How do our assemblies help us to be followers of Jesus? What part does singing several partial songs, listening to a general cover all topics prayer, listening to a sermon, sitting quietly, but efficiently and eating as small a piece of bread as we can get, drinking a miniature shot glass of grape juice and giving our money for the primary purpose of supporting the local congregation  encourage us to be followers of Jesus. How does sitting quietly listening for an hour help one to follower Christ. Is that "fellowship?"
So, can one be a follower of Christ without being closely associated with a specific congregation?
It seems to me the attitude of Christian, Yes, church No is becoming more prevalent. Is this a topic local congregations should be concerned with. Is "going to church" mostly habit?

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

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