Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In his sample prayer Jesus included "give us our daily bread." On the same occasion he appears to be critical of those who express concern about their life, what they will eat, what they will drink and what they will wear. He tells the folks that the Gentiles worry about the same things but your Father KNOWS you need them. Jesus told the folks if they will seek His kingdom first and all those things will be given to him. Now we know: 1) people who do not have food, drink, clothes are not seeking the kingdom or 2) are seeking the kingdom, God knows they need those things and is not providing as Jesus said he would.


Paul told the folks at Philipi that he had learned to be content whatever the circumstances whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want how does that contentment reconcile with asking for "our daily bread" or for that matter asking for anything?


How do you reconcile Jesus telling us on one hand to ask for your daily bread and other the other hand you don't need to ask because your father already knows you need them?



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