Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What does "We Pray for. . ." mean?

In my continuing investigation of prayer and what it is and is not an example recently appeared on the white board in the break room for the River Rampage where I work. The message said "Pray for Greg and Marie." I found that Greg is the husband of my boss and Marie is the wife of one of my co-workers. Marie has been diagnosed with cancer but I am not sure what is wrong with Greg except it is ongoing and serious. The message says "pray for. . ."  In the assembly someone "leads" the congregation in prayer and says "we pray for (insert someones name). Specifically what does that mean? Specifically what are we asking the Creator of everything to do? Is there Bible support for whatever it is we are expecting?
What makes us think the Creator of the universe will do anything? He did not save any of the apostles from being killed: he did not stop the persecution we read about in the NT: He did not heal Batselle Barrett Baxter, a renowned preacher in the Church of Christ, of cancer of his brain: he allowed a little girl to be beaten to death by her mother's boyfriend: did not stop slavery in the United States: permitted Christians to starve to death in Malawi several years ago:  I could go on but you get the picture. Can it possibly be that since God has provided a number of principals concerning how we should conduct our lives and therefore will not interject himself into our trifling lives? Could it be the natural laws, which are not laws but as Shawn has explained to me merely observations by scientists of processes found in nature that have been observed to be consistent, control the outcome as he apparently planned?

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

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