Saturday, September 13, 2014

Law Code vs Gospel

Many church of Christ members believe the New Testament is a legal document. They search for rules that, they believe, will led them into a correct understanding of all Bible issues. The problem is the New Testament is not a codified legal document.


Most will agree that the Old Testament was a legal document where commands were spelled out with absolute clarity and directions were made clear.  The New Covenant is not a legal system with camouflaged directions requiring legal specialists with special tools to unlock and make known what God expects of us. If the New Testament was a legal document, why did God suddenly stop spelling out in meticulous detail what is necessary and binding? Why would God replace a clearly spelled out legal system with a not-so-clearly spelled out legal system couched in veiled commands, numerous examples which may or may not be applicable, and inferences which may or may not be necessary (depending on who is making the application) and then call it a “better” covenant?


When Martin Luther translated the bible he prefaced his translation with this statement:”…what to expect in this volume, lest he search it for commands and laws, when he should be looking for gospel and promises.” He then warned his readers “Beware lest you turn Christ into Moses, and he gospel into a book of law.”


Patternism has lead to an endless list of church splits and divisions over such trivialities as one communion cup versus multiple cups. The list is endless. The gospel approach will remember the Lord no matter how many cups are used. The law code seeks to justify the individual because right acts are done in right ways. The gospel approach will justify because faith in Christ and His promises being salvation into a heart, which then acts in loving ways toward his fellow man. 

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