Thursday, July 31, 2014

Did God Make Mistakes?

Our bodies suggest something other than a designer. As embryos, we produce tails, gill sacs, and a full coat of apelike hair. Happily, of us lose these accessories before birth. While bizarre this can be readily interpreted in evolutionary and genetic terms; it is a mystery if we are the products of a creator.


Men have a urinary tract that runs directly through the prostate gland. The prostate tends to swell throughout life. Consequently, most men over the age of sixty experience the weakness of the design. A woman’s pelvis is not designed as well as it could have been to assist in giving birth. As a result, each year hundreds of thousands of women suffer prolonged and obstructed labor that results in a rupture known as obstetric fistula. Women in the developing world who suffer this condition are often abandoned by their husbands and exiled from communities. The United Nation estimates that more than two million women live with fistula today.


Another example of what appears to be a bad design, the human respiratory and digestive tracts share a plumbing at the pharynx. In the United States alone, this poor design lands tens of thousands of children in the emergency room each year. Some choke to death. Many others suffer brain injury. What purpose does it serve? Perhaps those parents needed to be taught a lesson: God has prepared a special reward in heaven for every child who chokes to death on a bottle cap. If God was involved with creation did he make mistakes?

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