Saturday, March 8, 2014

Not Dwell in Temples



Over the centuries much of what has been taught in Christian church buildings each week has roots in maintaining laity dependence upon the clergy i.e. saved-lost, heaven-hell, access to and understanding the scriptures, giving etc. GSMCOC is dependant upon one man as the sole source of religious information permitting church leaders to maintain control over what the laity believes.


One can peruse the GSMCOC budget and remain ignorant of the financial requirements of the congregation giving church leaders additional control. Are you familiar with the term “group think?”


What is the biblical reason to “give” and does it depend upon the amount given to be considered acceptable? When you look at the total contributed in all categories does it show that GSMCOC is generous or that we are lead by a fund raiser?


The Church of Christ prides itself on having bible examples for what it does. When Jesus was in the Wilderness his defense against Satan was “It is written…” Specifically which practices of the Church of Christ can be defended with “It is written..?”


Beautiful temples were commonplace among the Gentiles. Paul said God does not dwell in temples with hands.


Temples were rare among the Jews. We could say they were nonexistent except for the temple in Jerusalem, first built by Solomon.


Paul was saying that no temple ever built by man, including Solomon’s or the Parthenon, can contain God. To think the God who made the world and everything in it and who sustains the world by the power of His Word could be contained in a building regardless of size, beauty or cost diminishes his majesty.


God is Spirit, and spirit cannot be limited to any one space or the moment of one event.


In contrast to the pagans and the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, in all the New Testament there is no mention that the Christians ever built or bought or owned a material building of any kind that might be called a temple, cathedral or sanctuary for the Lord.  So much of Christianity throughout the centuries has been in some way associated with a material building, which is often an elaborately beautiful and costly facility, the highest priority, the biggest item in the church’s budget, and the focal point of virtually all of the church’s activity. The average Christian’s practice of his religious faith is within the church building.


Christians have forgotten that God does not dwell in temples made with hands,







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