Thursday, February 27, 2014

Re: Those Among Us


Joe Whitson writes:


Noah’s flood destroyed all living flesh upon the Earth. All, in which the breath of life was given, died. Noah and his family were spared to replenish the Earth. Noah’s flood destroyed all but his family.


The race of Giants that were born to the daughters of men continued for around 1600 years until the flood and continued after the flood for another 1300 years until Goliath was dispatched by David. These Giants had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.


Since only Noah’s family survived where did the Giants who continued after the flood for 1300 years come from?  For that matter where did the various ethnic groups come from? Your friend might believe Noah’s wife and daughters-in-law were impregnated by aliens. That happened to the women and girls in Village of the Damned one of my favorite movies.


Since the 19th century, scholarly consensus has been that the story is not literally true. As I mentioned in an earlier email the 19th century was tough on Christian beliefs.


The Genesis flood narrative is one of a number of similar flood myths. Many scholars believe that Noah and the Biblical flood-story derive from the Mesopotamian versions, predominantly because Biblical mythology found in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mandeanism shares overlapping consistency with far older written Mesopotamian stories of The Great Flood, and because the early Hebrews were known to have lived in Mesopotamia, particularly during the Babylonian captivity.


There are  parallels, both similarities and differences, between Noah's ark and the ship of  Babylonian flood-hero Atrahasis. Noah's is a rectangle, while Atrahasis was instructed to build his in the form of a cube; Atrahasis has seven decks with nine compartments on each level, Noah has three decks, but is not given any instructions on the number of compartments. The word used for "pitch" is not the normal Hebrew word but is closely related to the word used in the Babylonian story.


Have you considered that Scripture is meant to convey concepts and is not intended to be taken literally and is not intended to be scientifically or historically accurate?


If correct questions long unaswered will be resolved. One is God’s (remember God is love) propensity to destroy his creation and later torture forever those who did not do or say what he liked. Imagine being tortured in Hell for eternity because you played a piano in the assembly or listened to a female speaker or even worse listened to others sing i.e. a chorus.


Much of what we teach is carried over from a time when the goal was keep the laity dependent upon the clergy as protectors from God and the only folks who could understand the Bible.



John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshippers. They are constantly and for the most part sincerely assured of their greatness." 

---Calvin Coolidge, upon leaving the presidency following five and a half years

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:59 PM, John Jenkins <> wrote:

He makes a lot of assertions most if not all unverifiable. I have observed what I call the Law of Verifiability which says when verifiability is low confidence is high and when verifiability is high confidence is low. As with the Law of Gravity there is no law just observation of consistent behavior. He probably explains Area 51.


Who is this guy?



John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshippers. They are constantly and for the most part sincerely assured of their greatness." 

---Calvin Coolidge, upon leaving the presidency following five and a half years

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 3:45 PM, <> wrote:

See what this stirs up with you. I responded but can't confirm his contentions, though I do wonder where some of this comes from. Job would probably say that Satin is still trying to confuse us(more).

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-------- Original message --------
From Joseph Whitson <>
Date: 02/18/2014 3:29 PM (GMT-05:00)
To Ray and Martha Slate <>
Subject Those Among Us

   Ray--- for your review and critique.

Joseph Whitson

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