Years ago Robert Townsend wrote a book Up the Organization. At the time he thought a CEO should not remain with a corporation longer than five years due to Townsend's opinion that if the CEO remained longer the CEO's personality would override the corporation's personality. Ideas would be lost due to people thinking, the CEO would never go for that one so it was never suggested; new CEO new thinking etc.
Recently I saw where a preacher was being honored for being with the same congregation for fifty-years. While those folks were proud I thought how sad. For fifty years that congregation must have a very narrow view of scriptures due to being limited to one man's beliefs, opinions etc for half a century. GSMCOC has been limited to one man's views, opinions etc for around twenty years. Ideas have been lost due to people thinking HE would never go for that one so it was never suggested.
This could be among the numerous reasons for the church shrinking relative to the population as well as to it self. Congregations dulled by the thinking of one man. For example during Gary's first budget presentation he suggested the congregation become more involved in Honduras i.e. sending local people to visit and encourage. When Al stood up to "pee of the pulpit" the first thing he said was sending is as good as going. He shot down Gary's idea before it was cold. The people to whom Jesus was speaking had no choice. We have a choice because Jesus was not speaking to us. Gary is right if we want to support the work. Al is right because we have no responsibility in that area.
No where does the bible suggest or encourage our practice of paying a hireling to minister to the congregation. David Lipscomb was against paid preachers due to the logical conclusion the preacher would preach to keep his job instead of preaching the bible. We are dull because we choose to limit our sources of information.
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