Saturday, March 23, 2013

Evolution 1 Creation 0

One advantage evolution has over creation, which supports its veracity, is the fact that scientists around the world are trying to disprove evolution while Christians continue to groupthink that the days of creation in Genesis were 24-hour days and the earth is 6,000 years-old.


More than 100 insect species have developed resistance to DDT in parts of the world where spraying has been intense. Although these species had never encountered this synthetic compound, mutations gave them some advantage that allowed them to survive in its presence. That adaptation was rapidly multiplied by natural selection.


The same goes for disease-causing bacteria and parasites to antibiotics and other drugs as a consequence of the same process. When an individual receives an antibiotic that specifically kills the bacteria causing a disease such as tuberculosis the majority of bacteria die but some may have a mutation that provides resistance to the antibiotic. These resistant bacteria will survive and multiply and that antibiotic will no longer cure the disease. That survival is considered natural selection.


Evolution is considered known science today while creation cannot be known and is unprovable
Those factual examples cause me to wonder how natural selection has affected human-beings.


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