Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Joseph Had What He Needed Inside Himself

Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers at the age of seveneen. Can you imagine how easy it would have been for him to languish in self-pity as a servent of Potiphar, to focuse on the weaknesses of his brothers and his captors and on all he didn't have? But Joseph was proactive. He worked on be on what he could do.Within a short period of time, he was running Potiphar's household. He was in charge of all that Potiphar had because the trust was so high.
Then the day when Joseph was caught in a difficult situation and refused to compromise his integrity. As a result he was imprisoned for thirteen years. But again he was proactive. He worked on the inner circle, on being instead of having, and soon he was running the prison and eventually the entire nation of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh.
It would have been much easier to blame other people, conditioning, or conditions for his situation. But Joseph was responsible to control his life and to powerfully influence his circumstances by working on be on what he was.
Jospeh didn't need God to do what he did and neither do we.

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