Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cost Rico Presentation


If this is not the email you prefer let me know.
Great presentation tonight. . . . .and points.

In his book "Walden" published in 1854, Henry David Thoreau poses two intensely practical questions that must come to dominate our thinking if we're to make necessary changes: How much is enough? and How do I know what I want?

In the advanced consumer society in which we live, How much is enough? is...the most deeply subversive question you can pose. We've been carefully trained to know that the answer is always: More.... I know it is subversive because I have posed it to various Christians and the reaction has generally been quite harsh.

Our culture has corrupted us as individuals as well as the church. Look at us, individually and as the church we are deep in debt.  Over $70,000 of the congregation's annual mortgage payment is allocated to sitting idle. In his book Balance in the chapter Overbuilt Underused, Ira North said if you drive by a million dollar building on Monday morning at 11 o'clock and it is empty that congregation is in trouble. I believed him when he said it and I believe  him now and I believe we are.

 Notice the invitation song this evening? "Living below in this old sinful world, hardly a comfort can afford. . . . We see ourselves as requiring assistance not providing assistance. We are victims.

Again, great presentation and excellent suggestions  I believe how we respond is critical with our individual eternal destination in the balance.





Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

  "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"  
---Mike Tyson

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