Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Majority Does Not Determine What is Right

When asked: "Do you think the social discrimination made against the Negro race in the South is justifiable by the Scriptures?" David Lipscomb wrote: "The Bible never proposes to disrupt and change social and political relations suddenly."

Lipscomb believed, while the Bible taught that black and white Christians were one, early Christians accepted social and political situations as they were. Not being revolutionaries then, Christians must not disrupt contemporary social conditions. From the perspective of the whites this may seem a reasonable approach but what about from the perspective of the blacks.

Earl West wrote: "In summary, while race relations deteriorated nationally between 1900 and 1918, the churches of Christ gave the question no small amount of thought, but always with the assumption of white superiority and the separation of the races."

The majority never has been, is not, and will never be the measure of what is right.

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