Monday, April 25, 2011

Satan is an Angel

Satan is an angel as Michael and Gabriel are angels. Satan has no more affect on our lives than Michael and Gabriel have.
If Satan is the motivation behind our sins who motivated him? No one. He is an angel; he  rebelled and God threw him out of heaven. He does not know the future anymore than any other angel knows the future.
Hell is not intended for mankind it was prepared for Satan and his angels. We do not need Satan to help us sin. We sin when we are not following God's purposes. When we are not following God's purposes we are following Satan's.
Apparently the serpent who tempted Eve had intelligence and decided to lie to Eve. If the serpent was not acting on his own why was he punished? The fact that the serpent was not promoting God's purposes by default means he was promoting Satan's purposes. As was Peter when Jesus said to Peter "Get behind me Satan." Jesus was not talking to Satan he was talking to Peter. Since Peter was not encouraging Jesus he was discouraging Jesus thus he was promoting Satan's.
James tells us we sin when we are tempted by our own lusts. It is true Satan brought sin into the world via the serpent but it was the serpent who sinned and then Eve and then Adam. The serpent rebelled as Satan had rebelled. Eve and Adam rebelled as Satan had rebelled.
Satan may or may not be walking to and fro looking for who he may devour but he is not affecting us. When we fail to follow God we are following Satan.

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