Thursday, September 30, 2010


Something I find interesting is looking at the ramifications of what we believe. Example: Jesus said only the Father knows when the end will come. How can they be unified if the Father knows something the Son and Spirit do not?
Paul told the church in Rome the Gentiles are a law unto themselves and will be saved on that basis. They either are saved with sins intact or their sins are forgiven without their being "in Christ" without having "come in contact with the blood of Christ." How? 
Jesus told a story or parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Apparently Lazarus was saved because he was poor while the rich was lost because he was unloving. Regardless their fate was set before Jesus died. Lazarus was "saved" before Christ died and without coming in contact with the blood of Christ.
If God can save without the blood of Christ why did he require Jesus to die? If there was other ways why didn't he take them? Was he just being arbitrary? Sometimes in our effort to make God be fair we confuse things.

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