Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Questions on Prayer

I am fast coming to the conclusion we have no clue as to praying. In Charles Hodge's book "Prayer: the Voice of Faith" he compares Elijah's prayer for it not to rain to our prayers. Imagine, Elijah praying that it not rain and us praying for someone to "regain a portion of health." Hodge thinks it is comparable.

A few questions for your cogitation:

  1. Do you know of any situation in the Bible where God answered a prayer that was not necessary for the fulfillment of his "plan?"
  2. Do you know of any situation where God answered a prayer that was meant only for the appeasement of one individual?
  3. Do you now of any occasion where Jesus healed someone and Jesus did not benefit from the healing such as verifying he was from God?
  4. What is the purpose of God or Jesus to heal one of us?

On one occasion Jesus told his followers,"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." On another occasion Jesus said "whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you."

  1. Who answers our prayers Jesus or God?
  2. To whom should we pray.
  3. Does it make a difference?
  4. How do you explain the two comments?
  5. If we do not know who will be answering how do we know whom we should address?
Like us Hodge keeps saying "we believe in prayer" but it just may be ignorance talking.

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