Wednesday, November 25, 2009

MBC Closing

I am convinced that Christian Education's worst enemy is the Church of Christ. It's members do not understand its importance. Congregations and individuals get upset if the school does anything they do not like withdraw their support and send their children to state schools.  They believe state schools provide their children a much better environment than Christian schools. I am not sure if anyone can be more wrong.
For Christian Education to survive long term Christians MUST do three things. They must provide funds; they must provide students; they must provide qualified faculty and staff. There is one more. They must understand Christian Education Institutions are not churches. Women will be department heads and will speak in assemblies even if they are called chapel. Providers of Christian Education must do certain things to main their license to educate students. Members of the church that Jesus established on Pentecost must support them at all times in the afore mentioned ways. Otherwise Christian Education will disappear much like MBC is doing and that benefits no one. For whatever reason students did not select MBC and for whatever reason congregations and individuals did not support MBC financially the church is weaker for its closing and members of the church are responsible. It is a sad time for Christian Education. Hopefully Christians will wake up before we lose all our institutions.
A suggestion could be to have four Christian Universities distributed geographically. Instead of competing they could combine their resources whether it be money or faculty. All four could be viable but for the attitude of members of the church. With divisions between instrumental and non instrumental, with even more divisions within the non-instrumental as I mentioned earlier the worst enemy Christian Education has are members of the church Jesus established on Pentecost. I wonder if that is forgivable.

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