Monday, October 12, 2009

Learning the Way of Salvation

1.       Jesus had a purpose on earth.  (John 10:10);

2.       Who may be saved? (John 3:16)

3.       The Bible is our complete guide. (Gal 1:8,12)

4.       Whom we are to hear. (Mt 17:3-8)

5.       How does God call men to him now? (Mt 28:18-20)

6.       How are we saved? (John 3:16)

7.       Obedience is necessary. (Mt 7:21)

8.       Faith is necessary (Mark 16:15-16)

9.       Repentance is necessary. (Luke 13:1-5)

10.   Confession of Christ is necessary. (Matt 10:32-33)

11.   Baptism is necessary. (Acts 2:38)

12.   What church will you belong to? (Acts (2:47)

13.   Whose church is it? (Matt 16:18)

14.   Unity of the New Testament church is vital. (Romans 12:4-5)

15.   What name should I wear? (Acts 2:47)

16.   How important is church? (Acts 20:28)

17.   Scriptural worship is required. (John 4:23-24)

18.   How is the New Testament church organized? (Acts 14:23)

19.   It is important to do exactly what Jesus required, (Luke 6:46)

20.   Christian growth must follow. (2 Peter 1:5-8)



People are responsible for their own salvation. All that can be done by others  is to bring to their attention where the Bible teaches that Jesus is The Way. They must read. They must study. They must develop their faith. One cannot be given faith. 

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