Matthew records that Jesus told his disciples "at the close of the age, the Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers…" Being in the kingdom does not guarantee one of being saved. I suggest this tells us that once in the kingdom always in the kingdom, at least until the close of the age.
When we talk with others concerning what it takes to be in the kingdom we ask the wrong questions. We talk about salvation. When were you saved? Were you saved before or after you were baptized? Those are vague questions? They are the wrong questions. The question of baptism is not one of joining the church or becoming a Christian it is the only way to have one's sins removed. Being baptized because one is saved is the same as being baptized because one's sins have been forgiven. How were they forgiven? Why were they forgiven?
On Pentecost when the people had become convinced they had killed the Messiah Luke writes they were cut to the heart and wanted to know what they should do. The inference might be they believed killing the Messiah put them on God's black-list and they wanted to know how to get back into a good relationship with Jehovah.
Peter told them change their ways, (they were already sorrowful) and be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. God would then give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter continued to exhort them to "save themselves from that crooked generation." Those that received Peter's words we baptized. Luke recorded that day about three thousand souls were added. Added to what? Those who were being saved were added to the number being saved.
Ananias told Paul to be baptized and wash away his sins.
Salvation does not occur at the time of biblical baptism it occurs at the close of the age. Forgiveness of previous sins occurs at the time of biblical baptism. Anyone biblically baptized must be considered in the kingdom because we do not know otherwise. Anyone not biblically baptized does not have their sins forgiven.
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