Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cafeteria Religion

Gregory Alan Tidwell:
Reference your article: Cafeteria Religion, December 2008, Gospel Advocate.
You mention Oprah Winfrey leveraging her celebrity status.
Oprah is an example of problems we are seeing in the church today. She is an overweight billionaire but her audience believes she can relate to them, and they to her, as she tells them how to lose weight. Though an immoral, adulterer / fornicator she is idolized by Christians.
Christians have told me how reading "The Shack" changed their lives. How watching the Mel Gibson movie about the crucifixion of Christ strengthened their faith. How after reading "90 Minutes in Heaven" they do not fear death. According to research by George Barna as well as others these same people do not read the Bible.
People fall for cafeteria religion as a result of not recognizing truth.
Nice article..

John Jenkins

865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN


You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much Sense When You Read It)

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