Saturday, December 6, 2008

When are they supposed to know?

Hi Guys,
I watched a biography of Jimi Hendrix the other night.
His mother was 16 when he was born and was pretty much uninvolved in raising him as was his father. Jimi spent a lot of time in foster care. He was average student, peaceful, generally a nice guy, liked music. When he was 18 he went into the Airborne, broke and ankle and was discharged. He liked playing guitar and had some pretty weird friends, the type that could do him no good.
He died before his 28th birthday. He did a lot of drugs usually more than those around him, pretty much on a downward spiral from the beginning. Traveled most of the time and was lonely and a bit paranoid. His manager stole all his money. The question is at what point was he supposed to seek out the church of Christ? He had little guidance from adults other than that associated with drugs.
Cases like Jimi Hendrix make me wonder if the church is doing anything or if the pews are full of people comfortable in certainty.
As we know Paul says in Romans the Jimis of the world are without excuse for not believing in God but it does say knowing that Jesus has a "church" is natural. So at what point are the Jimi Hendrix's of the world with no guidance supposed to know and to seek out the Church of Christ?
Just a question...

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Entrophy, It ain't what it used to be.

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