Monday, November 3, 2008


A model church is necessarily a converted church. Its members have "put off the old man." They are in Christ, and are, therefore, new creatures. Their affections are on spiritual things---things above---and not on fleshly, worldly, sensual things; and, of course, therefore, they enjoy spiritual food, spiritual songs, spiritual surroundings, more than Sunday dinners, Sunday newspapers, Sunday baseball, or Sunday picture shows; for all such things are connected with sensual practices even if they are not sensual per se.
Worship is a natural expression of a consecrated soul. He who does not enjoy things spiritual is carnal-minded; hence, is in a state of death, is not a Christian, and cannot be saved unless he repents and is converted.
When the members of a model church assemble, they come into the worship with reverence. They come with one purpose, with one mind---their minds are all together on one thought. They come with devout hearts. They are all there when the worship begins, and they always take part. They all worship. They all participate in singing. Those who cannot sing follow the words of the hymn (for, of course the model church will have hymn books enough for every person present), and listen to the melody, and try to worship with grace in their hearts. All the members engage in prayers and say "Amen" at the close either audibly or in the heart. The worship is always orderly, systematic, and solemn. There is no confusion, no distractions, and no unseemly commotions; for there are no idle minds present. Everyone is worshiping; everyone is full of God. God is in the midst, and all are filled with awe. There is an atmosphere of calm, of quiet, of peace and reverence; for we are now living in the age "when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such does the Father seek to be his worshipers. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
G. C. Brewer
The Model Church

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Fibonacci: It's as easy as 1,2,3.

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