Hi Rick ,
Last night in your class I believe you asked how the soldiers could be no cruel etc.
Many years ago Adolph Eichmann, a Nazi soldier with great influence in what eventually was considered the Holocaust, was tracked down, kidnapped, taken to Israel, tried, convicted and executed. One of the witnesses, collapsed when Eichmann was brought into the court. Later the witness was asked what had caused him to collapse. He said through out the years he pictured Eichmann as a monster but when he saw him he realized Eichmann was not a monster but just a regular human being and that meant any of us could do what Eichmann had done. I believe that is correct.
We are the only country to use nuclear weapons. Add to that against civilians and additionally against women and children. We carpet bombed women and children in Germany . Unless you think of our pilots as monsters, normal men did those horrible acts and most probably did not miss much sleep. I believe some did but not many.
Negroes were considered less than human. I will leave the genocide of Native Americans to another day. A Native American, I believe of a Cheyenne tribe, in 1913 went to court and had himself declared a human being. Again, unless you think of our ancestors as monsters normal people did that.
Being a crossroads of major trade routes, Judea was important to Rome . Whoever ruled Judea had the primary responsibility of keeping everyone quiet i.e. no complaints to Rome
The commanders of the military had the primary responsibility of keeping Herod happy or at least quiet, again no complaints to Rome . To them Jesus was a Jew and not very important one, just a rabble rouser that could get everyone into trouble with Rome . That alone could be enough motivation to get down and dirty. While maybe not the best there were much worse assignments for the military. Jesus was also an example to the rest of the Jews to not push Herod or the military too far
Sometime we can discuss how easy it would have been for Jesus to talk his way out of being executed and, knowing that, how he was very careful what he said and did. Then we would have all been up the creek with out the ole paddle.
John Jenkins
John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN
Email: jrjenki@yahoo.com
Email: jrjenki@yahoo.com
Fibonacci: It's as easy as 1,2,3.
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