Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Transgender Children


Several months ago you mentioned that you consider homosexuality a choice. While I have no expertise it appears curious that people who have chosen to be gay find it difficult to tell their family and friends. I would think they would be proud of their decision. Recently I saw an article concerning a 6-year-old transgender girl being banned from using the girls' bathroom at her Fountain, Colorado public school.

The parents have four other children, including a set of triplets, one of which is Coy. Apparently Coy, a Girl Scout who loves pink, began gravitating toward girls' toys and clothes by 18 months. Gender eventually turned into a bigger issue when Coy asked, at age 4, "When are we going to go to the doctor to get me fixed so I can be a girl?" A psychologist confirmed then that Coy was indeed transgender.

That led to allowing Coy to "transition" into girlhood in school, which meant dressing as a female, lining up with the other girls and using the girls' restroom.

The change in Coy after she transitioned at school was said to be amazing. The anxiety went away, the depression went away. She became happy. Coy has many friends and that they have not had any problems with or complaints from any of the other children's parents.

I knew adults liked to transgender I did not realize it began with children.

Months ago I heard an interview of a woman who is considered a chimera.  She had written a book, of course, of her experience. She needed a kidney transplant and when her two sons were tested for a match it was determined she was not the parents of either. It took a couple of years but it was determined she had two sets of DNA and was diagnosed as a chimera. From what I have read that could affect an individual's sexuality.

Do the professionals have an opinion on the subject and religion? Looking ahead can the boys grow to be elders and girls elder's wives? This could get confusing 

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?" 
--- Will Rogers (1879-1935)



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