Friday, February 15, 2013

And the Lord Formed Man of the Dust of the Ground

Genesis 2:7 

    And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.



...we believe God gave man a limited amount of time to live on earth. If that man acts exactly as God knew he would in the judgment that man will go to Hell for eternal torment. Or how about the poor ignorant savage in the deepest part of the great forests of South America who never heard of the Bible who will be tormented eternally for his ignorance. Won't he be surprised! Can you make something logical out of that? If you treated your children like that, in man's wisdom, you would be considered a bad parent and probably go to jail for child abuse. Add to that the man who brought sin into the world was permitted to live a lot longer than you or I we know fairness has nothing to do with anything. Wouldn't it have been more loving of God just to not involve man in His eternal plans? Do we truly understand what we think we understand?


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