Friday, February 15, 2013

Amos and the Rabbis

In the opening chapters of Amos there is a series of condemnations on the various nations for three transgressions and for four. From this rabbis deduced that God's forgiveness extended to three offenses and that he punishes the sinner on the fourth. Rabbis did not believe a man could be more gracious than God they limited forgiveness to three times.

When Peter asked Jesus "How many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Seven times seemed extravagant to him since Jewish tradition suggested three times was adequate.
Fodder for classes would be situations where folks in the NT learned that what they had been taught the scriptures said their entire lives is no longer valid.. And would be react the same way.
If the NT is not scriptures since they were not included what Timothy had known and learned since he was young are they inspired? Was Luke inspired or just an historian? He says he was an historian and never claims to be inspired. Purpose would be to help folks understand believing something does not make it true.

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